February is a month full of calendar events and celebrations like Elevation’s 17th anniversary 🎉, Groundhog Day, Valentine’s Day, the Super Bowl, and Black History Month. And we also have four Sundays this month to teach kids about what it means to love and respect others! 

As you celebrate all the things this month, know we are celebrating and thanking God for each of you and the way you partner with parents to develop kids faith! 🫶🏾


Hey, eKidz volunteers! 

February is a time we dedicate to celebrating and showing love in big, bold ways — through gifts and bouquets, candies and cute cards, or maybe through serving and outreach. But what if we also took time this month to remember and reflect on the love of our God and how it affects the way we treat others?

This month, eKidz will learn all about Jesus’ love and respecting others. Safari will focus on how Jesus loved everyone, including children, Quest will go a bit deeper by learning about Jesus’ unconditional love and forgiveness, and Motion will talk about why it’s important to show respect to others. We’ll study these same ideas and spend time praying and reflecting on them.

We hope this devotional helps prepare us for guiding our eKidz in growing closer to God. We’re so excited to see what He has in store for us this February!


This past Sunday was our final week of the series “Do The New You.” Can you name each sermon using these memes courtesy of Elevation YTH? 🤘🏾

And speaking of YTH… If you’re the parent of a middle school or high school student (including rising 6th graders), your YTH will not want to miss the ultimate summer camp! Learn more at ythx23.com.


Help our central Quest and Motion team by taking this short survey. The campus with the highest percentage of responses will win donuts for ALL the Quest and Motion volunteers at your campus!

Instructional Video Links

Each week prior to serving, spend 10-15 minutes and use the weekly eKidz instructional videos to prepare to serve kids and families with excellence. Videos for the upcoming Sunday are available each Wednesday at noon.

What did you think of this month's update?