It’s December, eKidz volunteers! During one of the busiest months of the year, we want to let you know we SEE you and are THANKFUL for the time you spend serving in the eKidz ministry. This month, as our eKidz learn about the greatest gift ever — Jesus — use the resources below to celebrate His birth and grow in your faith.
Merry Christmas, eKidz volunteers!
December is the ultimate season of giving, and we want to help give kids a new perspective on the story of Jesus’ birth — the Christmas story!
This month, eKidz will learn about Jesus, the best gift God has ever given us. While Safari will focus on who Jesus is, Quest will discover why Jesus is special, and Motion will talk about how Jesus is God’s greatest gift. We’ll be studying the same ideas in this devotional, and spend some time in prayer and reflection over them as well.
This devotional is meant to be more than just a guide for each month’s Safari, Quest, and Motion topics — we also want to learn and grow from these lessons ourselves. Let this devotional provide space for you to dig into the Christmas story and remind yourself who it’s really all about.
Advent means “a time of eager anticipation leading up to the celebration of Jesus’ birth at Christmas.” In other words, “waiting.” And is there not a better word to describe the month of December to a kid than waiting? It seems like waiting for Christmas to arrive happens in slow motion — unless you’re an adult. In fact, for us adults, it’s the complete opposite with everything feeling like it’s happening at double speed.
Download the Advent Calendar and use it to help you be more intentional during the most wonderful — and busiest — time of the year. With your family or friends, create meaningful moments to capture the unexpected wonder and joy of Christmas.
The word from Pastor Steven for our church in 2023 is PROMISE. Throughout scripture, we see God make promises of provision, strength, love, and more to His people. We also see Him keep each promise He made.
What are you believing God for in this upcoming year? Email us your word so we can add it to our Word Wall and pray for you throughout the year. And make sure to visit to generate downloadable word graphics!
Instructional Video Links
Each week prior to serving, spend 10-15 minutes and use the weekly eKidz instructional videos to prepare to serve kids and families with excellence. Videos for the upcoming Sunday are available each Wednesday at noon.
What did you think of this month's update?