This Week In Quest Preschool :: I am important to God.

Main point: I am important to God.
Bible story: God Knows Everything About Me ● Psalm 139:1-4; Matthew 10:30

As a family, read “God Knows Everything About Me” (Psalm 139:1-4; Matthew 10:30) from the Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) 

After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together:

  • Who was our Bible story about? (God, us)
  • God made us and He loves us so much. Are we always important to God? (yes)

To view this week’s video curriculum, visit the eKidz YouTube page.

This week, engage in everyday moments to continue the conversation: 

    • Morning Time: When you go into your child’s room, grab their favorite stuffed animal. Cuddle them and say, “Good morning, (child’s name)! (Hold up their stuffed animal.) How important is (name of stuffed animal) to you? Very important! You love it a lot! Well, YOU are important to God. God loves you a lot!”
    • Cuddle Time: Cuddle with your child and pray: “God, help (child’s name) and me remember that we are important to You, not because of the things we do, but because You made us and love us. Help us treat other people as important to You too.”
    • Bath Time: Sing the following words to the tune of “Three Blind Mice”:
      “God made me. God made me.
      God made me. God made me.
      God made me amazing and wonderful! God made me amazing and wonderful!
      God made me amazing and wonderful! God made me.”
    • Drive Time: While on the go, take turns naming things that are really important to you. Talk about how every person in the world is important to God because God made them.

Visit for more resources.