the essentials

As we make plans, strategize, and find ways to bring the next generation to Jesus, we filter every decision through what we call the NextGen Essentials:

  • Develop active faith. We want the next generation to own their faith by empowering them to grow it through God’s Word and church community.
  • Discern God’s voice. To know God’s voice, we must know His truth — and that only comes from the Bible! We want them to know and understand what He says.
  • Partner with families. You’re your kid’s top influence, but you’re not alone. We’re here to partner with you — two influences are better than one!
  • Provide a safe space. Safety is a top priority for us. We strive to ensure the next generation is well cared for and safe in the environments we create.
  • Illuminate joy. Life with God brings joy — we want this mindset to be at the core of everything we make to reinforce the fact that following Jesus is the best choice.
  • Create consistency. Consistency is crucial to living for Jesus, so we want to create experiences the next generation wants to be part of at every opportunity.
These values help us align through direction, purpose, and unity. As you think about your family, what are the essential values for your family this year? What is a NextGen value you can focus on this month as a family?