This Week in Motion Elementary :: Lies hurt others; truth helps others.

July series: Honesty isn’t always easy. Sometimes it feels like things might turn out better if we “bend” the truth a little bit. But what might start out feeling like a little lie can quickly become a web of deceit we can’t untangle ourselves from. When we choose truth, however, we can find the strength, peace, and freedom God wants us to enjoy. 

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

Lies hurt others; truth helps others.
Haman’s Plot • Esther 3-7

Haman was angry Mordecai wouldn’t obey the decree to bow down to him, so he lied and made the king think the whole Jewish nation was filled with lawbreakers. If Esther hadn’t stopped him, the king would have let Haman kill all the Jews. Esther fought back by telling the king the truth. Her bold honesty saved her people.

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. Lies hurt us by making us weak, but they can also hurt others. Talk about a time when you lied and it hurt someone else. How did this make you feel?
  2. Share about a time when someone else’s lie affected you. How did it make you feel?
  3. It’s also possible for a truth to be hurtful if it’s said in the wrong way. Can you think of a time someone said a hurtful truth? How could the truth have been shared in a kinder way?

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning time: Start the day with a hug, and remind your kid to always tell the truth because honesty benefits us and others.
  • Mealtime: Share a time when honesty helped you build trust with someone.  
  • Drive time: While on the go, ask your kids, “When have you been tempted to be dishonest? How did you handle it?”
  • Bedtime: Pray together, asking God to help you share truth so you can help others.