This Week in Motion Elementary :: Lies trap you; truth sets you free.

July series: Honesty isn’t always easy. Sometimes it feels like things might turn out better if we “bend” the truth a little bit. But what might start out feeling like a little lie can quickly become a web of deceit we can’t untangle ourselves from. When we choose truth, however, we can find the strength, peace, and freedom God wants us to enjoy. 

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

Lies trap you; truth sets you free.
Sapphira and Ananias Lie to Peter Acts 5:1-11

Ananias and his wife chose to sell their land, but instead of admitting they wanted to keep some money for themselves, they lied and pretended they were giving it all to God. Their lie had very serious consequences. We may not die the next time we tell a lie, but every lie traps you in some way; only the truth can set you free.   

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. Have you ever found yourself telling a lie to cover up ANOTHER lie you had already told? How did you feel after the second lie?
  2. How can lying affect your relationship with others? 
  3. How can a lie make you feel trapped?

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning time: As your kid starts the day, remind them that honesty sets us free, while lies trap us.
  • Mealtime: At a meal this week, talk about the story of Ananias and Sapphira. Talk about why you think they lied instead of telling the truth.  
  • Drive time: While on the go, talk about a movie or book that shows people not telling the truth. (e.g., “Diary Of A Wimpy Kid,” “Pinocchio,” “The Gruffalo,” etc.) Discuss what happens to these characters.
  • Bedtime: Pray for each together, “God, help us recognize the trap of lying and guide us to choose truth instead.”