This Week In Quest Preschool :: Jesus helps us have joy.

Main point: Jesus helps us have joy.
Bible story: Wedding at Cana ● John 2:1-11

As a family, read “Wedding at Cana” (John 2:1-11) from the Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) 

After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together:

  • What happened in the Bible story? (While Jesus was at a wedding, they ran out of the special wedding drink. Jesus turned the water into the special wedding drink.)
  • When Jesus turned water into the special wedding, he helped others have joy. Can Jesus help us have joy too? (yes)

To view this week’s video curriculum, visit the eKidz YouTube page.

This week, engage in everyday moments to continue the conversation: 

    • Morning Time: When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say, “Good morning, (child’s name)! Guess who is going to help us have joy today? Jesus! Jesus gives you joy, and Jesus gives me joy!”
    • Cuddle Time: Cuddle with your child and pray, “God, when we have a problem, help us go to Jesus for help. Knowing Jesus loves us and wants to help us gives us joy!”
    • Bath Time: Add toy cups, plates, and food to bath time. As you pretend to have a party, talk about how Jesus was at a wedding party one time when they ran out of special wedding drink. Jesus did something only He can do. He turned water into a special wedding drink! The people who knew what Jesus did had so much joy!
  • Drive Time: While on the go, talk about how long it takes to get where you’re going. Talk about how long it takes to get to other places, both near and far. Then, talk about how long forever is. Forever never stops. FOREVER is how long Jesus wants to be our friend!

Visit for more resources.