We’re Learning… God gave us Jesus.
Bible Story: Baby Jesus Is Born ● Luke 2:1-7
Merry Christmas! In eKidz, we’re celebrating Jesus’ birthday by learning the story of the time Jesus was born. To celebrate as a family, read and discuss the Christmas story together.
As a family, read “Baby Jesus is Born” — Luke 2:1-7 from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.)
After reading the Bible story, complete the activity together:
Parade Activity:
- Say, “Let’s have a parade to celebrate God gave us Jesus!”
- Lead your toddler in a parade around the room while saying, “God gave us Jesus!” Occasionally switch it up and lead your toddler in singing happy birthday to Jesus.
- As you continue the parade, switch it up and encourage your toddler to do the following:
- Hop
- Crawl
- Twirl
- Take big steps
- Take little steps
- March slowly
- March quickly
- After the activity, say, “Great job! Who gave us Jesus?” Encourage your toddler to say, “God gave us Jesus!”
In addition to reading stories from the Bible each Sunday, we also read a book together that reinforces what we’re learning. This month, we’re reading “Good News! It’s Christmas!” If you’re looking for a faith-based book to add to your child’s library at home, you can learn more about this month’s book HERE!