This Week In Safari Babies :: God is powerful.

We’re Learning… God is powerful.
Bible Story: Jesus Calms the Storm ● Matthew 8:23-27

As a family, read “Jesus Calms the Storm” (Matthew 8:23-27) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) 

After reading the Bible story, complete the activity together.

Response Activity:

  • Say, “Let’s do an activity to help us learn more about how God is powerful!”
  • Read the prompts below and encourage your toddler to respond.
    • “Pat your knees, like there’s a BIG thunderstorm outside! (Pause.) Storms can be scary, but God is powerful — He’s even more powerful than thunderstorms. We can trust Him!”
    • “Let me see you bark, like you’re pretending to be a dog! (Pause.) You might be afraid if you see a big dog and it barks really loud. God is powerful — He’s even more powerful than any scary dog. We can trust Him!”
    • “Can you pretend you’re asleep? (Pause.) The dark can be scary when you’re trying to fall asleep, but God is powerful and He is always with us. When we’re afraid, Jesus can help us and we can trust Him!”
    • “Pretend to fly like a bee! (Pause.) You might be afraid when you see a BIG bug. God is powerful — He’s more powerful than any creepy bug, and we can trust Him!”
    • “Let me see you close your eyes! (Pause.) You might be afraid when you’re watching a movie with your parents and a scary part comes on. God is powerful — He’s even more powerful than any movie, and you can trust Him!”
  • After the activity, say, “Great job! Who is powerful?” Encourage your toddler to say, “God is powerful!” Then lead your toddler in prayer:

    “Dear God, thank You for loving us! We know You are powerful and strong. Please help us always remember we can trust You because You are more powerful than anything. We love You. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


In addition to reading stories from the Bible each Sunday, we also read a book together that reinforces what we’re learning. This month, we’re reading “The Storm That Stopped” by Alison Mitchell. If you’re looking for a faith-based book to add to your child’s library at home, you can learn more about this month’s book HERE!