This Week In Safari Babies :: I can obey God.

We’re Learning… I can obey God.
Bible Story: Noah’s Ark ● Genesis 6-9

As a family, read “Noah’s Ark” (Genesis 6-9) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) 

After reading the Bible story, complete the activity together.

Response Activity:

  • Say, “When we read the Bible, we learn how to obey God! Let’s play a fun game to help us remember this truth. I’m going to say, ‘The Bible says… ’ and give you instructions to obey. But when I say, ‘I can obey God!’ I want you to twirl in a circle. Are you ready?”

    • “The Bible says to love your neighbor. Give me a hug!” 
    • I can obey God!(Encourage toddlers to sit down.)
    • The Bible says to help others. Give me a high-five!”
    • The Bible says to give thanks. Clap your hands!”
    • I can obey God!(Encourage toddlers to sit down.)
    • The Bible says to tell the truth. Point to your mouth!”
    • I can obey God!(Encourage toddlers to sit down.)
  • After the activity, say, “Great job! When we read the Bible, we learn how to obey God! Who can obey God?” Encourage your toddler to say, “I can obey God!” Then lead your toddler in prayer:
    “Dear God, thank You for loving us. We trust You know what’s best, and we want to obey You. Please help us obey You and follow You in everything we do. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


In addition to reading stories from the Bible each Sunday, we also read a book together that reinforces what we’re learning. This month, we’re reading “Goodnight, Ark” by Laura Sassi. If you’re looking for a new book to add to your child’s library at home, you can learn more about this month’s book HERE!