Easter is an exciting time for the church as we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection and ultimate triumph over sin. The holiday should be filled with enthusiasm and joy, but in the middle of all of the Easter basket shopping, Easter egg hunts, and family lunches (not to mention preparing for spring break!), the weeks and days leading up to Easter can feel chaotic instead of celebratory.
Anything in addition to these “expected” activities can feel like extra work and even diminish the excitement of Easter. If this is where you find yourself this Easter, or even if you’re just looking for some fun additional activities to try this year, we’re here to help!
We want to equip your family with some practical ways to prepare your hearts and celebrate together this Easter. CLICK HERE to download the “4 Ways You Can Celebrate Easter as a Family” guide for some fun ideas and activities that can fit into your family’s flow this Easter.
Want to win one of the Easter books mentioned in the guide? Head over to our eKidz Instagram account or Facebook page for your chance to win!