This Week in Motion Elementary :: Be kind to the people closest to you.

February Series: God showed kindness by sending Jesus for us — even when we didn’t deserve it. Because of God’s love for us, we can be kind to everyone. Kindness is a fruit of the Spirit. And when you show kindness to others, you give them a glimpse into the heart of God and how much God loves them. Kindness should be a characteristic of people who follow Jesus. Not only did Jesus model kindness, but He also commanded it. He taught us to treat others the way we want to be treated. When we practice kindness toward others, we’re actually living out the ultimate plan God has for the world.

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

Be kind to the people closest to you.
Family Ties (Ruth and Naomi)Ruth 1-2 

In Ruth 1 and 2, we find Naomi and her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Both of their husbands had died, and Ruth had the opportunity to return home to her family. Instead, she chose to show kindness to Naomi and stay with her. Ruth’s kindness didn’t go unnoticed. Boaz saw how Ruth had treated Naomi and offered kindness to Ruth, changing her life in a huge way.

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning Time: As your kid starts their day, tell them a cheesy joke while you serve them something with cheese. 
  • Meal Time: At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “What is something we have (or you have) that we can share with others to help them?” 
  • Drive Time: While on the go, ask your kid: “What is something nice someone has done for you lately or that you have done for someone else?” 
  • Bed Time: Pray for each other: “God, show us how we can use the things we’re good at to help others.”

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