Open Up Your Bible at Home 🏡

Help your child spend time with God each week by reading His true words in the Bible, doing activities, and talking to Him. Each weekly devotional provides four days of devotional content to help your child grow in their faith and learn more about what is taught in Motion each Sunday.

Self-Control: Choosing to do what’s best even when you don’t have to
Memory Verse: “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.” 2 Peter 1:3A

October series: There are lots of choices we need to make in life, but what do we do when we’re confronted with all of these choices? Do we rush ahead? Or do we pause and let God lead us toward the best way to act? Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. It’s one of the ways we can tell God is transforming our lives and we’re growing in our faith. When we follow Jesus, God’s Spirit is with us and helps us make the wise choice. 

October Week 1 Devotionals (Week of October 6
October Week 2 Devotionals (Week of October 13)
October Week 3 Devotionals (Week of October 20)
October Week 4 Devotionals (Week of October 27)

Compassion: Caring enough to do something about someone else’s needs
Memory Verse: “In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16

September series: When people make time for us, it can bring us joy — it’s like a light shining on a dark day. Caring for one another isn’t always the easy thing to do, but it certainly is what Jesus asks of us. When Jesus gave the command in Matthew 5 to let our light shine, it wasn’t just to bring joy into each other’s lives but also to bring glory to God. We are reflections of who God is, and as we “Live Bright” this month, we’ll discover exactly how we can shine God’s light.

September Week 1 Devotionals (Week of September 1)
September Week 2 Devotionals (Week of September 8)
September Week 3 Devotionals (Week of September 15)
September Week 4 Devotionals (Week of September 22)
September Week 5 Devotionals (Week of September 25)