Main point: I can have joy forever because Jesus wants to be my friend forever. Bible story: Heaven ● Revelation 21, 22:1-5; John 14:3 As a family, read “Heaven” (Revelation 21, 22:1-5; John 14:3) from the Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together: What happened in […]
This Week In Quest Preschool :: I can help my friends have joy.
Main point: I can help my friends have joy. Bible story: Be Joyful with Others ● Romans 12:15 As a family, read “Be Joyful with Others” (Romans 12:15) from the Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together: What happened in the Bible story? (Paul wrote a […]
This Week In Quest Preschool :: Jesus helps us have joy.
Main point: Jesus helps us have joy. Bible story: Wedding at Cana ● John 2:1-11 As a family, read “Wedding at Cana” (John 2:1-11) from the Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together: What happened in the Bible story? (While Jesus was at a wedding, they […]