This Week In Quest Preschool :: Jesus loves me.

Main point: Jesus loves me. Bible story: Jesus and the Children ● Luke 18:15-16 As a family, read “Jesus and the Children”(Luke 18:15-16) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.)  After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together: What happened in the Bible story? (People were bringing their children to Jesus, […]

This Week In Safari Babies :: God is powerful.

We’re Learning… God is powerful. Bible Story: Jesus Calms the Storm ● Matthew 8:23-27 As a family, read “Jesus Calms the Storm” (Matthew 8:23-27) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.)  After reading the Bible story, complete the activity together. Response Activity: Say, “Let’s do an activity to help us learn more […]