Brandon and Rachel Hibbard have been part of our Elevation Church staff family for over 11 years. In their seven years as parents, Brandon and Rachel have walked alongside both Brooklyn (7 years old) and Jackson (5 years old) as they’ve experienced many of the fears kids typically face in these early years — fear of the dark, separation anxiety, discomfort around large animals, etc. But when Brooklyn’s fears and anxieties became increasingly extreme, the Hibbards had to find new strategies to support their daughter.
1. All kids deal with fear at different points, whether it’s a fear of dogs, bugs, or monsters under the bed. What did you notice about your child’s fear this time that was different?
2. What was your first response to her intensifying fear?
3. What were some of the strategies the counselor suggested for combating her fear?
4. What were a couple of the Bible verses that encouraged her in that season?
5. What advice would you share with other parents whose kids are dealing with fear or anxiety?