This Week in Motion Elementary :: Jesus came to be our Savior.

March series: Throughout scripture, we can see how peace is something near to God’s heart. Even though people chose to break their relationship with God, God made a way to fix that relationship through Jesus. And because we reflect God’s image, making peace with others should be a priority for us as well. When we choose to make peace with others, we’re demonstrating that God’s love can transcend our personal opinions and help us work together in spite of our differences. Choosing peace is a way for God’s family to make an impact in the world.

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

Jesus came to be our Savior.
Palm Sunday Matthew 21:1-11

We kick off Easter week with the story of Palm Sunday as described in Matthew 21:1-11. By this time, God’s people had been waiting hundreds of years for God’s promised Savior. As Jesus’ ministry grew, the people were starting to believe Jesus WAS that Savior. They were sure God’s promises were finally coming true! So when Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey, just like a prophecy foretold, the people celebrated and worshiped Him. And while they might not have fully understood how Jesus was about to make peace, they could celebrate because God was faithful to send a Savior. 

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning time: As your kid starts their day, tell them about a way you’ve seen them grow and mature.
  • Mealtime: At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “As we look forward to Easter, how can we take time to remember what Jesus did for us?
  • Drive time: While on the go, say to your kid, “Tell me about a story you’ve read/listened to lately.”
  • Bedtime: Pray for each other: “Jesus, thank You for coming to be our Savior. It’s the best gift we have ever been given, and because of what You did, we have forgiveness, friendship, and peace.”

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