This Week in Motion Elementary :: Use what you have to help others.

March series: When people make time for us, it can bring us joy — it’s like a light shining on a dark day. Caring for one another isn’t always the easy thing to do, but it certainly is what Jesus asks of us. When Jesus gave the command in Matthew 5 to let our light shine, it wasn’t just to bring joy into each other’s lives but also to bring glory to God. We are reflections of who God is, and as we “Live Bright” this month, we’ll discover exactly how we can shine God’s light.

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

Use what you have to help others.
Jesus Feeds 5,000 • John 6:1-13

This week, we read about a massive miracle found in John 6:1-13. Jesus had just crossed over the Sea of Galilee with His disciples when a massive crowd arrived. Jesus knew the people would be hungry… and instead of sending them on their way, He had compassion on them and fed them. With a little boy’s small meal of only five loaves and two fish, Jesus turned a small amount of food into a huge blessing. 

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you have that you can use to help others?
  2. What’s something that would be hard for you to share?
  3. How can you use what you have to help others this week?

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning time: As your kid starts their day, tell them about a time you saw them help someone and how proud you were of them. 
  • Mealtime: At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “What is something you have or that you can do to help someone?” 
  • Drive time: While on the go, ask your kid, “Who is someone you know who has helped someone lately? What did they do?” 
  • Bedtime: Pray for each other: “Thank you for the things You have given us, God — both the things we have and the things we are good at. Help us to honor You by giving what we can to help others.” 

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