This Week in Motion Elementary :: When you see yourself clearly, you can make the wise choice.

August series: As we “dive deep” into the Bible this month, we’ll discover God is always there to help us make wise choices. God has given us people who can help us make those wise choices too. When Jesus was a boy, He grew in wisdom. God wants us to discover wisdom too. When we make the wise choice, we reflect the character of Jesus to people around us. 

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

When you see yourself clearly, you can make the wise choice.
Speck and Plank • Matthew 7:1-5

In week 2, we head to Matthew 7:1-5, which is part of one of Jesus’ most famous recorded messages, the Sermon on the Mount. Throughout this sermon, Jesus touched on many important lessons. One of these truths was that we shouldn’t judge other people. When we judge others without first looking at ourselves, we miss out on the work God is doing in us to shape us and help us grow. 

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. What’s a small thing some people do that drives you crazy?
  2. What is something you’re working on getting better at?
  3. What steps can you take to “see yourself clearly” in order to make the wise choice?

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning time: As your kid starts their day, tell them something about them that you think is wonderful. (Try to focus on who they are, not something they do.) 
  • Mealtime: At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “Tell us about a time when you had a choice to make, and you made a wise one. How did it make you feel?” 
  • Drive time: While on the go, ask your kid, “Tell me something good about yourself.” (If they can’t think of anything, offer some of your own. Also affirm what they say.) 
  • Bed time: Pray for each other: “God, may we always remember Your great love for us, and help us to make wise choices because You know what’s best for us.” 

Find weekly devotionals HERE to help your child open up their Bible at home.
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