This Week in Motion Elementary :: Wisdom is worth searching for.

August series: As we “dive deep” into the Bible this month, we’ll discover God is always there to help us make wise choices. God has given us people who can help us make those wise choices too. When Jesus was a boy, He grew in wisdom. God wants us to discover wisdom too. When we make the wise choice, we reflect the character of Jesus to people around us. 

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

Wisdom is worth searching for.
Jesus Grows in WisdomLuke 2:41-52

We start the month in Luke 2:41-52. Mary, Joseph, and Jesus had just traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover Feast and were headed home. Except… Jesus was no longer with them. Instead, He was at the temple, listening and asking questions. Jesus knew how important it was to gain wisdom. When we ask God for wisdom, we’ll find it! 

Family Discussion Questions:

  1. How do you think Jesus acted as He grew up?
  2. What are some ways we can gain wisdom?
  3. How can we remember that wisdom is worth searching for? 

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning time: As your kid starts their day, share a story of when you saw them make a wise choice. 
  • Mealtime: At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “What is some wise advice you’ve heard?” 
  • Drive time: While on the go, ask your kid, “Who is someone that helped you lately? Who is someone you have helped?” 
  • Bedtime: Pray for each other: “God, help us to look to You and to the wise people You have placed in our lives for wisdom.” 

Find weekly devotionals HERE to help your child open up their Bible at home.
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