This Week in Motion :: When you’re not truthful, you lose trust.

October Series: God is always good. Since the very beginning, God has been faithful and true. If God makes a promise, God keeps that promise. We are created in God’s image… And when we live with integrity, we reflect God’s integrity. When Jesus lived on earth, He lived a perfect life and showed integrity in ways we can’t because of our sin. Jesus makes it possible for us to live as new creations. Through the Holy Spirit, we are being transformed into people of integrity. Who we are in private should match who we are in public. When we trust in God, we can make the wise choice and be truthful in whatever we say and do.

When you’re not truthful, you lose trust.
Naaman and Elisha’s Servant ● 2 Kings 5

In 2 Kings 5, we find the prophet Elisha and his servant named Gehazi. Gehazi seized the chance to use dishonesty to take advantage of Naaman’s gratitude and get riches for himself. Gehazi went behind Elisha’s back, denied his actions, and lost Elisha’s trust. 

To view this week’s video curriculum, visit the eKidz YouTube page. 

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning Time: As your kid starts their day, tell them about something they’ve done or said that makes them trustworthy. 
  • Meal Time: At a meal, have everyone at the table answer this question: “Have you ever lost trust in someone or something?” 
  • Drive Time: While on the go, ask your kid: “Who are some people you trust? What makes them trustworthy?”
  • Bed Time: Pray for each other: “God, may we be trustworthy. And if we ever lie or break trust, show us how we can make better choices in the future.”


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