This Week In Quest Preschool :: I can pray to God.

Main point: I can pray to God.
Bible story: Hannah ● 1 Samuel 1-2

As a family, read “Hannah” (1 Samuel 1-2) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) 

After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together:

  • What happened in the Bible story? (Hannah wanted to have a baby, but couldn’t have children. She prayed and asked God for a son.)
  • When Hannah couldn’t have children, she prayed to God. Can you pray to God too? (yes)

To view this week’s video curriculum, visit the eKidz YouTube page.

This week, engage in everyday moments to continue the conversation: 

    • Morning Time: When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say, “Good morning, (child’s name)! Time to get up! But before you get out of bed, let’s talk to God together. God, thank You for another day. Thank You for loving us. And thank You that we can talk to You anytime, anywhere, and about anything. We love you, God. In Jesus’ name, amen.”
    • Cuddle Time: Cuddle with your child and pray, “God, I believe You love us and want us to talk to You. That is amazing! Please help us remember that we can talk to You anytime, anywhere, and about anything. We love You.” 
    • Bath Time: Add bubbles, toy animals, and toy food items to the bathtub. Tell your child to reach into the bubbles, pull out a toy, and say, “I can talk to God about (name of toy).” As you dry your child off, say, “We can talk to God about anything!”
    • Drive Time: While on the go, talk to God about your day. What have you done? What are you going to do? How do you feel? What do you need? Thank God that you can talk to Him anytime, anywhere, and about anything.

Visit for more resources.