This Week In Quest Preschool :: Jesus is a good friend.

Main point: Jesus is a good friend.

Bible story: Washing Feet ● John 13:3-17

As a family, read “Washing Feet” (John 13:3-17) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) 

After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together:

  • What happened in the Bible story? (Jesus showed His friends, the disciples, how to be a good friend and washed their feet.)
  • Who wants to be your friend forever? (Jesus)

To view this week’s video curriculum, visit the eKidz YouTube page.

This week, engage in everyday moments to continue the conversation: 

  • Morning Time: When you go into your child’s room, cuddle them and say, “Good morning, (child’s name)! I see your smile. I see your tummy. And I see your feet! (Tickle their feet.) Every time I see feet, I remember how Jesus showed His disciples how to be a good friend by washing their feet. Jesus is the best friend ever!”
  • Cuddle Time: Cuddle with your child and pray, “God, thank You for sending Jesus to show us how to be a good friend. Help us put others first like Jesus did when He washed His friends’ feet.”
  • Bath Time: Add toys with feet to bath time. Encourage your child to wash their toys’ feet while you wash their feet. Talk about how Jesus washed His friends’ feet. Jesus washed His friends’ feet to show them that a good friend puts others first.
  • Drive Time: While on the go, talk about what good friends do. A good friend might share with you, spend time with you, or say kind words to you. Talk about how one time, Jesus washed His friends’ feet to show them that a good friend puts others first and that they are never too important to serve others.

Visit for more resources.