Heart checkup đŸ©ș

Break out the stethoscope, right? Not quite 😉 Matthew 15:11 says, “What goes into someone’s mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them.” Jesus was warning us that what comes out of our mouths will reveal if we have an unclean heart. But rather than waiting […]

This Week In Quest Preschool :: Jesus loves us even when we do something wrong.

Main point: Jesus loves us even when we do something wrong. Bible story: Zacchaeus ● Luke 19:1-10 As a family, read “Zacchaeus” (Luke 19:1-10) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.)  After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together: What happened in the Bible story? (Zacchaeus climbed a tree to see […]