Self-Control: Choosing to do what’s best even when you don’t want to
Memory Verse: “His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life.” 2 Peter 1:3A
There are lots of choices we need to make in life. Some of those choices can help us grow and shape us positively. Others can pull us in different directions, leaving us struggling to figure out which choice is best. What do we do when we’re confronted with all of these choices? Do we rush ahead? Or do we pause and let God lead us toward the best way to act?
Self-control is a fruit of the Spirit. It’s one of the ways we can tell God is transforming our lives and we’re growing in our faith. Thankfully, we don’t have to find self-control on our own. When we follow Jesus, God’s Spirit is with us and helps us make the wise choice.
- Week 1 (Week of October 6): Be ready to do the right thing.
- Week 2 (Week of October 13): Think before you speak.
- Week 3 (Week of October 20): Think before you act.
- Week 4 (Week of October 27): Know when to stop.
Find weekly devotionals HERE to help your child open up their Bible at home.
This month, we’re learning God is always with us! Wherever we go, we can look to God with a trusting heart and say, “Let’s fly!” because God loves us and He’s always with us.
Check back each week for the Bible story, discussion questions, and ways to continue the conversation:
- Week 1 (Week of October 6): God is always with me.
- Week 2 (Week of October 13): God always hears me.
- Week 3 (Week of October 20): God has plans for me.
- Week 4 (Week of October 27): God is with me wherever I go.
We’re Learning… God made me.
Bible Story: The First People ● Genesis 2
This month we’re learning, “God made me.” We’ll learn the story, “The First People,” in Genesis 2. In the very beginning, God made everything from the clouds in the sky to the fish that swim in the sea. But God’s favorite and best creation was people. God made you and me, and He loves us so much!
Check back each week for the Bible story and family activity:
- Week 1 (Week of October 6): Song Activity
- Week 2 (Week of October 13): Memory Verse Activity
- Week 3 (Week of October 20): Response Activity
- Week 4 (Week of October 27): Song Activity