This Week in Motion Elementary :: When you think you can’t wait, think twice.

April series: Waiting is a part of life. Thankfully, we don’t have to wait on our own. Through the Holy Spirit, God can help us experience the patience we need to wait well. After all, God is patient with us. God is in control and knows what’s best for us. Even though God’s people had been waiting for years for the promised Savior, at just the right time, God sent Jesus. Because we’re created in God’s image, we can reflect God’s patience in our lives. We can be patient when we remember what God has done. We can lean on God’s Holy Spirit to give us the strength we need to trust God and show patience with the difficult circumstances in our lives. 

To view this week’s curriculum video, visit the eKidz Online YouTube page.

When you think you can’t wait, think twice.
Esau’s Impatience Genesis 25:24-34

This week we turn to Genesis 25:24-34, where in the story of Esau we find one of the best examples of what happens when someone is not patient. After a hunting trip, Esau was exhausted and hungry! And wouldn’t you know, his brother Jacob had a pot of stew cooking on the fire. Jacob took advantage of this situation and offered a bowl in exchange for Esau’s inheritance. Turns out, Esau couldn’t resist. He lost something extremely valuable, all because he was impatient. 

Engage in everyday moments together this week: 

  • Morning Time: As your kid starts their day, ask them how you can pray for them today. 
  • Mealtime: At a meal this week, have everyone at the table answer this question: “What is the hardest thing about waiting?” 
  • Drive Time: While on the go, say to your kid, “Tell me a funny story or joke.” 
  • Bedtime: Pray for each other: “God, when we’re tired of waiting, it’s easy to just rush ahead. But sometimes when we get impatient, we make bad choices. Help us to trust that You are working for our good — even while we’re waiting.” 

Find weekly devotionals HERE to help your child open up their Bible at home. Visit for more resources.