As we make plans, strategize, and find ways to bring the next generation to Jesus, we filter every decision through what we call the NextGen Essentials: Develop active faith. We want the next generation to own their faith by empowering them to grow it through God’s Word and church community. Discern God’s voice. To know God’s […]
What is NextGen?
There’s no age limit to following Jesus! The NextGen ministry serves kids and students from 6 weeks old – 12th grade. Anyone who is part of our eKidz or YTH ministries are part of NextGen. Our desire is to equip the next generation to develop an active faith by pointing and bringing them to Jesus. […]
This Week In Quest Preschool :: Jesus teaches that God cares for us.
Main point: Jesus teaches that God cares for us. Bible story: Birds and Flowers ● Matthew 6:25-34 As a family, read “Birds and Flowers” (Matthew 6:25-34) from a children’s Bible. (CLICK HERE for children’s Bible recommendations.) After reading the Bible story, discuss these questions together: What happened in the Bible story? (All sorts of people […]