Serving During LOVE Week With Kids

The word “serving” may not be familiar to a child, but even kids can learn the value of helping others. Volunteering at a LOVE Week event is a great way to help kids learn how to give to those in need.  As a parent, it might seem daunting to volunteer with your kids, but there […]

 📚 Family Devotional

The Bible is full of stories about God’s generosity toward us. He’s given us everything we have, and because of His generosity, we get to give back to Him! In this three-day family devotional, we’ll learn how to give God’s way — by giving the first tenth of our money to God, saving some for […]

💬 Conversations With The Kids

Raise your hand if you’ve ever tried to talk to your kids and ask them questions, but received a one-word response. We’ve all been there!  As parents, we want to know how our kids are doing, but sometimes it’s hard to get the conversation going. Here’s a few helpful tips to get you started: Be […]