Generosity: Making someone’s day by giving something away
Memory Verse: “Every good and perfect gift is from above.” James 1:17a
Jesus said, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” (Acts 20:35, NIrV) However, sometimes generosity doesn’t come naturally to us. We want the newest and best things, or we want everyone to notice what we have. When we really enjoy the things we have, sometimes that makes it harder for us to be willing to share with others. However, with the help of God’s Spirit, we can learn that HOW we give is more important than even WHAT we give. It’s about our hearts. God showed us the ultimate example of generosity by sending Jesus. This month, we’ll take a look at how we can respond by being generous to others.
- Week 1 (Week of November 3): God gives us good things.
- Week 2 (Week of November 10): You always have something to give.
- Week 3 (Week of November 17): Give with a good attitude.
- Week 4 (Week of November 24): Jesus showed us how to give.
Find weekly devotionals HERE to help your child open up their Bible at home.
In this month’s series, “Puzzle Pieces,” we’re learning we don’t have to have all the pieces or know where they all go. All we need to know is that God sees the big picture and He’s got it. Our job is to trust God and take it one piece at a time. So, whether it’s needing help with a big job, knowing which way to go, not having what we need, or talking to God about anything… God can handle it, because God’s got it!
Check back each week for the Bible story, discussion questions, and ways to continue the conversation:
- Week 1 (Week of November 3): I can trust God.
- Week 2 (Week of November 10): I can trust God will show me the way.
- Week 3 (Week of November 17): I can trust God no matter what.
- Week 4 (Week of November 24): I can talk to God about anything.
We’re Learning… I can give thanks to God.
Bible Story: Ten Lepers ● Luke 17:11-19
This month we’re learning, “I can give thanks to God.” We’ll learn the story, “Ten Lepers,” in Luke 17:11-19. When Jesus healed 10 men, only one went back to thank Him. We can thank Him for who He is, everything He does, and all the god things He’s given us. We can always give thanks to God!
Check back each week for the Bible story and family activity:
- Week 1 (Week of November 3): Parade Activity
- Week 2 (Week of November 10): Memory Verse Activity
- Week 3 (Week of November 17): Song Activity
- Week 4 (Week of November 24): Response Activity