Friendship: Using your words and actions to show others you care
Memory Verse: “A friend loves at all times. They are there to help when trouble comes.” Proverbs 17:17, NIrV
God created us for relationships. From the very beginning of the Bible, we see how important it is to have wise people in our lives who help us understand how to honor God with our actions.
When God sent Jesus, we were able to see the best example of friendship ever. Jesus showed us how much He loves us as He laid down His life for His friends. With His words and actions, Jesus showed friendship to everyone He met. We can reflect Jesus’ love best when we take time to care for our friends.
- Week 1: Choose your friends carefully.
- Week 2: Friends keep their promises.
- Week 3: Friends stand up for one another.
- Week 4: Friends forgive one another. (Available 09/24)
Find weekly devotionals HERE to help your child open up their Bible at home.
God knows everything, and He knows what’s best for us. He even knows what will happen if we choose to go THIS way or THAT way. This month in Quest, we’re learning no matter what, God loves us, and we can always trust He knows what’s best.
Check back each week for the Quest curriculum video, discussion questions, and family activity.
- Week 1: God knows what’s best for me.
- Week 2: I can trust what God says.
- Week 3: God knows what’s best for everyone.
- Week 4: I can trust God knows best even when it’s hard. (Available 09/24)

We’re Learning… God made everything.
Bible Story: The Beginning ● Genesis 1
This month we’re learning, “God made everything.” We’lll learn the story, “The Beginning,” in Genesis 1. In the very beginning, the world was dark and empty, but God had a plan. He created day and night. He made a big blue sky, a shining sun, and puffy clouds. He even created a big ocean with lots of fish, land with flowers and tall trees, and animals to creep and crawl. But God’s most special creation was people! God saw that He made everything wonderful and He rested. God made everything we see and He made you and me. He loves us so much!
CLICK HERE to check out this month’s activities your family can do together.