Elevation Parent Blog

This Week In Quest :: God knows what’s best for me.

Main point: God knows what’s best for me. Bible story: In the Garden ● Genesis 1:31, 2:8-3:24 As a family, watch this week’s video and then discuss a few questions together.  Who was our Bible story about? (God, Adam, Eve, Satan (the snake)) “What happened in the Bible story? (God showed Adam one special tree. […]

This September In eKidz :: What We’re Learning

We’re Learning… God made everything.Bible Story: The Beginning ● Genesis 1 This month we’re learning, “God made everything.” We’lll learn the story, “The Beginning,” in Genesis 1. In the very beginning, the world was dark and empty, but God had a plan. He created day and night. He made a big blue sky,  a shining […]