Celebrating Fall as a Family

Fall is filled with school starting back, festivals, and holiday traditions. But creating memories takes effort — planning and execution. Here are a few ideas on how to make the most of the fall season with your family. BUT FIRST . . . choose a couple of options that could work for you and your […]

Putting Prayer First

Every parent wants to make sure their child’s new school year gets off to a strong start. It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of checking all the items off their school supply lists and buying new shoes. However, if we neglect to spend intentional time in prayer for our kids and their […]

How to Create Moments for Your Family This Summer

There are few things that feel more rewarding for a parent than creating a memorable moment for your child. Since kids are already out of their normal routine, summer is a perfect opportunity to create moments that your child will remember and reflect on for years to come. In their book, The Power of Moments, […]